Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Read Canadas lips: STOP BEING RACIST! Thanks.

Ann Coutler: a collumist, writer, publisher, all around racist "female dog". She has become a household name for her right-wing views and American conservative controversal ideas and views. She is the author of several books all about her view on the politcal views on such politicians such as Bill Clinton and Bush Jr, even argueing about the American government analysis on the Cold War and the political decisions put forward by the Presidents during the 60-year time span. She also talks about how the Liberals are against Christianity and other forms of God.
Recently, Ann took a trip to Canada to do a Univeristy tour across Americas neighbour. The students and population were divided as for their feelings toward the author/speak as she held a conference for the public. She caused much controvery over her ideas and opinions and was pubically called out for her racist views.
Canada has strick laws against racist and "hate speech". In Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms, everyone has freedom to express their views and opinions. Before Ann Coutler entered Canada, the Headmaster at the Univeristy of Western Ontario sent a e-mail stating her to watch her tongue. He states "There is a strong tradtion in Canada, including this Univserity, of restraint, respect, and consideration in expresssing even provocative and controversial opinions and urge you to respect the Canadian tradition while on our campus". Even after recieving the letter, Coulter said what she wanted and didnt care about offending anyone. Her racist and offending views sparked outrage at the University and she felt unsafe and was forced to cancel an appearence.
In Canada, she is legally entitled to speak her mind as long as she doesnt offend anybody who is listening to her. Even though she is religious, Ann Coulter is not prohibited to force her views on anyone and needs to recognize others beliefs if she wants to go back to Canada.
Ann Coulter is a controversial speaker who needs to be put into her place. Her views are harmful and critizing to specific people. She pubically critizes the government, homosexuals, and religions that arent Christianity. How she has been allowed to continue her career all these years no one will. But what people do know, if she is assassinated, who will be surprised?

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