Since when did it become a new fashion craze to show people your underwear? Soon enough people will be showing their bras or possibly even going commando. Do people really need to see your ass outline? We can see it perfectly find with your pants at your waist. Sure, boxers may be comfortable and free, but keep them free in your pants please.
Have these people ever heard of a belt? It’s the thing that goes through those loops on the top of your child-labor made pants. Yes, those small holes are meant for an article of clothing to keep your pants off the ground. Pretty sure if people can afford to ruin $130 fabricated leggings, than they can go out and purchase a $8 belt that will last longer than the pants do.
Where’s the wooden spoon when you need it?
Are these kids asking for a wedgie? Everyone remembers getting one of those fantastic rash-causing rides and the gangsters and wiggers (can’t say the N word) are giving everyone primal opportunity. All someone has to do is sneak up on their prey and set the attack, almost as if you were watching an episode of Animal Planet: The hunter and the deer. Only usually the prey knows something is going to happen and is able to get away untouched.
Every person who sees the wondrous creature wants to know how they do not trip and fall every 2 seconds. Seriously, people with pants on their waists trip more than they do and that should not be happening! Restricting the movement of their ankles and feet should provide enough resistance to force their legs to twist and turn in a waltz of utter catastrophe causing bubbly red scars to cover their bare legs as they fall onto the cold, grey cement.
Girls find this sense of style quite appealing... for the most part. Attractive girls get to see their boyfriends assets and grab them, making the boy feel fantastic and possibly too excited. With their pants on the ground, you are able to see anything and that is like live porn... unwanted.
Do everyone a favor and please pull up your trousers. No one needs to see your tight, delicious booty when you are walking down the street. Your boxers need to be kept in the shadow of your pants and locked away where no one can see them. It looks like you are about to take the voyage of crapping in public.
Don’t make me grab a wooden spoon.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Who wears short shorts?
Girls are more emotional and corruptive when it comes to stress. In the popular Canadian magazine, Maclean’s, an article was published on May 10 2010 entitled “Inside the Dangerously Empty Lives of Teenage Girls” which about the dangerous life teenage girls are facing in the modern world. The article is a conversation between a Macleans representative and Dr. Sax, a family physician who also founded the National Association for Single Public Education. Dr. Leonard Sax has written numerous books, his most recent one about how teenagers are hiding their true feelings inside. The article describes 2 main ideas about the teenage world: Girls seem to be more worried about how they are received physically and socially than guys and that Girls take their stress away more dangerously then guys.
Dr. Sax, who has a daughter of his own, believes that teenage girls are physically and socially worried about how they are received more than guys. He states that “[girls…wake] up at two in the morning upset over the pizza [they] ate for dinner and think [they’re] fat even though [they’re] not” while the girl’s brother ‘eats a whole pizza for dinner and doesn’t bat an eye …. and is perfectly content with his online games and pornography [….] he’s happy!” In the media these days, teenage boys and girls are bombarded with images of these sexy, slim people and they think that to be admired and accepted they have to look like that. In order to achieve this sense of “beauty”, teenage girls (even girls as young as grade 2) are wearing “short skirts …. [to]….. put on a pretense of adult sexuality [not knowing that] the danger of putting on a show is that [they] lose touch with [their] own sexuality”.
Dr. Sax was able to find studies that show that “12 and 13 year olds ... are providing sexual favors to 16 and 17 year old boys” but there is little evidence to support this theory. Though this may be true, very few schools show evidence that this is happening. He goes on to say that ‘girls are using their sexuality … in order to ... [raise]... their social status. Dr. Sax does however express an opinion that is very true. Most girls these days are [presenting themselves as a brand … polishing an image of themselves that’s all surface: how [they] look and what [they] did yesterday, not who [they] are and what [they] wanna be”. So many girls are trying to become something they are not and “it gets in the way of … figuring out who [they] are, what [they] want and what is [their] hearts desire”. While some of his points on this idea are true, most are unreliable and have no proof that they exist.
Later on in the article, Dr. Leonard Sax discusses how girls are more dangerously dealing with stress than guys. More and more these days, people are dealing with weight issues and this is the case especially in teenage girls. With people in the media like Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie, girls are constantly working toward achieving that figure. The way they get their, isn’t pretty. Most girls use anorexia (not eating or eating small amounts like an apple a day) as a way to get there. So when they finally get to their goal, that is their accomplishment, “[it] becomes her defining sense of self”. As parents and adults see anorexia as a dangerous disorder in which they can’t stop, the girls who do it see is as a “lifestyle choice” much like being a homosexual or abstinence. Dr. Sax states that “only 8% of boys and 14& of girls [are] cutting and burning themselves” but it is evident throughout schools across North America that the number is much higher. Boys and girls are not going to admit to cutting or harming themselves. Dr. Sax is 100% wrong when he expresses that “the girl who is very popular … is as likely, maybe even more likely … to be cutting themselves”. One thing he is right about is that a lot of girls “cut because its real, its not fake”.
Dr. Sax, who has a daughter of his own, believes that teenage girls are physically and socially worried about how they are received more than guys. He states that “[girls…wake] up at two in the morning upset over the pizza [they] ate for dinner and think [they’re] fat even though [they’re] not” while the girl’s brother ‘eats a whole pizza for dinner and doesn’t bat an eye …. and is perfectly content with his online games and pornography [….] he’s happy!” In the media these days, teenage boys and girls are bombarded with images of these sexy, slim people and they think that to be admired and accepted they have to look like that. In order to achieve this sense of “beauty”, teenage girls (even girls as young as grade 2) are wearing “short skirts …. [to]….. put on a pretense of adult sexuality [not knowing that] the danger of putting on a show is that [they] lose touch with [their] own sexuality”.

Later on in the article, Dr. Leonard Sax discusses how girls are more dangerously dealing with stress than guys. More and more these days, people are dealing with weight issues and this is the case especially in teenage girls. With people in the media like Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie, girls are constantly working toward achieving that figure. The way they get their, isn’t pretty. Most girls use anorexia (not eating or eating small amounts like an apple a day) as a way to get there. So when they finally get to their goal, that is their accomplishment, “[it] becomes her defining sense of self”. As parents and adults see anorexia as a dangerous disorder in which they can’t stop, the girls who do it see is as a “lifestyle choice” much like being a homosexual or abstinence. Dr. Sax states that “only 8% of boys and 14& of girls [are] cutting and burning themselves” but it is evident throughout schools across North America that the number is much higher. Boys and girls are not going to admit to cutting or harming themselves. Dr. Sax is 100% wrong when he expresses that “the girl who is very popular … is as likely, maybe even more likely … to be cutting themselves”. One thing he is right about is that a lot of girls “cut because its real, its not fake”.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Read Canadas lips: STOP BEING RACIST! Thanks.
Ann Coutler: a collumist, writer, publisher, all around racist "female dog". She has become a household name for her right-wing views and American conservative controversal ideas and views. She is the author of several books all about her view on the politcal views on such politicians such as Bill Clinton and Bush Jr, even argueing about the American government analysis on the Cold War and the political decisions put forward by the Presidents during the 60-year time span. She also talks about how the Liberals are against Christianity and other forms of God.
Recently, Ann took a trip to Canada to do a Univeristy tour across Americas neighbour. The students and population were divided as for their feelings toward the author/speak as she held a conference for the public. She caused much controvery over her ideas and opinions and was pubically called out for her racist views.
Canada has strick laws against racist and "hate speech". In Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms, everyone has freedom to express their views and opinions. Before Ann Coutler entered Canada, the Headmaster at the Univeristy of Western Ontario sent a e-mail stating her to watch her tongue. He states "There is a strong tradtion in Canada, including this Univserity, of restraint, respect, and consideration in expresssing even provocative and controversial opinions and urge you to respect the Canadian tradition while on our campus". Even after recieving the letter, Coulter said what she wanted and didnt care about offending anyone. Her racist and offending views sparked outrage at the University and she felt unsafe and was forced to cancel an appearence.
In Canada, she is legally entitled to speak her mind as long as she doesnt offend anybody who is listening to her. Even though she is religious, Ann Coulter is not prohibited to force her views on anyone and needs to recognize others beliefs if she wants to go back to Canada.
Ann Coulter is a controversial speaker who needs to be put into her place. Her views are harmful and critizing to specific people. She pubically critizes the government, homosexuals, and religions that arent Christianity. How she has been allowed to continue her career all these years no one will. But what people do know, if she is assassinated, who will be surprised?
Recently, Ann took a trip to Canada to do a Univeristy tour across Americas neighbour. The students and population were divided as for their feelings toward the author/speak as she held a conference for the public. She caused much controvery over her ideas and opinions and was pubically called out for her racist views.
Canada has strick laws against racist and "hate speech". In Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms, everyone has freedom to express their views and opinions. Before Ann Coutler entered Canada, the Headmaster at the Univeristy of Western Ontario sent a e-mail stating her to watch her tongue. He states "There is a strong tradtion in Canada, including this Univserity, of restraint, respect, and consideration in expresssing even provocative and controversial opinions and urge you to respect the Canadian tradition while on our campus". Even after recieving the letter, Coulter said what she wanted and didnt care about offending anyone. Her racist and offending views sparked outrage at the University and she felt unsafe and was forced to cancel an appearence.
In Canada, she is legally entitled to speak her mind as long as she doesnt offend anybody who is listening to her. Even though she is religious, Ann Coulter is not prohibited to force her views on anyone and needs to recognize others beliefs if she wants to go back to Canada.
Ann Coulter is a controversial speaker who needs to be put into her place. Her views are harmful and critizing to specific people. She pubically critizes the government, homosexuals, and religions that arent Christianity. How she has been allowed to continue her career all these years no one will. But what people do know, if she is assassinated, who will be surprised?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Love at First Sight
From the moment I saw you, my stomach had butterflies. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you are beautiful. Though our parents have bees in their bonnets, and yes blood is thicker than water but from the ends of earth you will be my love. As luck would have it, A rose has its thorns and you pricked me. You really cant judge a book by its cover but if friends were flowers, I'd pick you for you are the apple of my eye and sweet as honey. It was love at first sight and together, we are two peas in a pod. You have got me head over heals but im trying not to jump the gun. The best things in life are free! <3
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Ever Wanted To Be Invisible?
What do you do when you trip on the stairs in a public place? Your cheeks turn into rosey flesh and your body soaks itself in its own toxic stench. Feeling the piercing fixated eyes of the surrounding population. The echoing snickering haunts the bloody mind. Wishing only to drift into nothingness, like the wind. Not being seen but occaisionally heard. Invisibility is a super power generically expressed by the teenage and pre-teen eras. But combining super powers is not usually recieved by minds. Ultimately, the super power I believe would be the most fascinating would be the combination of invisibility and telekinesis. Creating force-fields to protect the human race from destruction such as car crashes and explosions (like in Fantastic 4: Invisi-Girl). Saving my fellow humans sounds like an interesting idea but in idea nonetheless. Superheroes are nothing more than an idea created decades ago. Having super-powers would be an incredible scientific acheivement but we are no where close to where we need to be in order to create superheroes. Wouldnt that be great? To create force-fields and contain fire inside a sphere? Or manipulating time to slow down when you want to look or feel something longer. Creating attacks that are related to light and love, to be psychic, to manipulate fire or lightening... Who wouldnt want to have powers like that? If I could chose any superpower... I couldnt chose just one. Choosing one superpower is like choosing between 2 undersireable things. Its not possible.
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